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Pre-Primary Update

As our year begins, we are reminded of how quickly children adapt to a new situation. Within our first week of school, the children in the Pre-Primary room are practicing getting out work rugs, choosing works, sitting at circle and serving themselves snack. We present so many opportunities to these little people and they almost always eagerly rise to the challenge.

Today, a young three-year old who is new to Montessori, was observed choosing a work. She slowly walked back and forth along the Practical Life Shelf, gazing at each of the works. She felt the pasta in one work and held and examined a shell from a pouring work for another moment. As she crouched down to look at the bottom of the shelf she immediately found a work that spoke to her. She lifted the tray with two hands, carefully carrying it to the table in the Practical Life Area. Sponge-squeezing is always an appealing work to young children; it is a truly satisfying sensory experience. This young lady grasped the sponge in both hands and squeezed and rung out every bit of water in that bowl. She smiled in a very satisfied manner and used the sponge to soak up the water. When all the water had been absorbed back into the sponge, she immediately lifted the sponge just above the bowl and squeezed out the water again. We observed this friend for ten minutes repeatedly wringing out that sponge. We are always amazed by how the right work can bring a child such joy and focus.

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