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Preschool: What Makes You Feel Peaceful?

Peace is practiced daily in our classroom. The children learn to find peace within themselves, others and the world around them. Every morning we begin our circle with a deep breath and a moment for silence. The children are invited to close their eyes if they want to feel “extra peaceful”. What a sight it is to see a group of young children sitting so serenely, many with eyes closed, some peeking out from one winked eye, all focused and sharing a moment of quiet and peace together.

Our preschool friends were asked what makes him or her feel peaceful in preparation for our Peace Pole Ceremony. We hope you enjoy a few of their thoughtful responses: “light”, “apple picking”, “when I swim without my floaties”, “butterflies”, “when it’s quiet in my room”, “doing my work”, “when my dad makes me dinner and then I have a peanut butter cup”.

“The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind”

-Maria Montessori

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