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Seedlings: Learning Colors with Flowers

As a special project for St. Patrick’s Day, the Seedlings class decided to do some experimenting with white daisies and food coloring. During our morning circle we filled a vase with water and carefully added a few drops of green food coloring. We then placed the white daisies into the vase and put it up on a safe shelf for the children to watch over the next few weeks.

The children all took turns pouring water and adding drops of green food coloring into the vase. They each also added a flower to the vase when we were finished adding all of the water. They really enjoyed helping out and watching the color of the water change.

On Monday, we were excited to check on our (previously) white flowers. We brought the vase down off the shelf during our morning circle and were able to see that a few of the petals had begun to turn green. We will continue to watch our flowers change as we jump into spring!

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