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Kindergarten: A Sip of Tea…..

February is not the easiest month in Maine, is it? We have had more indoor recess days than we all care to count, the days feel long and cold, and spring seems farther away than ever. These February blues trickle into our classroom inevitably so something special needed to happen! On a chilly Tuesday afternoon, after another day of staying indoors, the teachers decided to have an impromptu tea party! Mint tea was brewed and leftover pumpkin bread was cut into bite sized pieces. After restful reading was over, the children were excited to see the tea and bread set out on tables just for them! The teachers invited each child to take a seat with their friends and enjoy a little cozy time, warmed by the tea and made extra special with a sweet treat. Smiles abound, friendly chatter, and warm bellies made this February afternoon a little brighter for our Kindergarten community!

We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.

Maria Montessori

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