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                                                    teachers support and guide each of their students with warmth and respect. Our school is                                                                managed by a caring and effective administration. In support of this and of our “parents as                                                                partners” philosophy, we provide a broad range of opportunities for families to be involved in the life                                              of the school and further enrich our students’ learning experience. At our school, wherever you look,                                             what comes through loud and clear is the sense that everyone is united in the important task of giving                                         our children the best education possible.


Yes, it’s an individualized approach, but we also work as a whole. Every child knows every

teacher. We take field trips together - and share in recess, picnics, school assemblies,

and more. The kids learn from each other, and benefit from guiding younger

children, or learning from older ones. Here at Pine Grove, we believe that

the foundation we lay for our students can and should hold fast through

a lifetime of learning. Our aim is to teach children the skills they will need

to become self-directed learners, flexible thinkers, creative problem 

solvers, resilient individuals, and empathic citizens of the world. We

are proud and honored to be partnered with a distinguished group of

teachers, staff, and families, all of whom work together so diligently to

attain this goal.


Our website paints a wonderful picture of life at Pine Grove, but it is only by

visiting our school in Falmouth, Maine that one is able to truly appreciate the 

opportunities for personal growth that our school, our faculty, and our community inspire.


We hope you enjoy learning more about what makes Pine Grove “…where to begin.”


   Thank you for visiting our website. We hope this glimpse into our warm,                          diverse, and enthusiastic community of learners will be helpful to you.


                Pine Grove School offers children an innovative and dynamic                                          program that combines key aspects of Montessori education with                                the best practices of current child development research. At Pine                               Grove, our top priority is to ensure that every day counts for every                              child; we help each child develop and learn individually at his or                                 her own pace, in his or her own style.


                        One of the things that makes Pine Grove such a special place is                                 how tightly knit we are as a community. Our experienced 

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