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Seedlings: Community Building

In the classroom we have been busy expanding our social circles and learning the joys of helping friends. Kindergarten readers are now coming once a week to share books with the Seedlings. Our group has been a polite audience and is eager to meet new friends and sit for a book.

Earlier this past week we started a Sock Drive with the children. The group worked together to decorate our donation box with colored paper socks. Friends were motivated to write their names on their work and glued the socks to the outside of the box. Thank you for all of the donations to our sock drive.

All of the children have enjoyed feeling useful to help out with the chores related to these tasks. When the Kindergarteners come to visit, we arrange the chairs for the readers and carpet squares for the audience. Children have enjoyed bringing socks to load into the donation bin. These are just two examples of how the Seedlings are feeling invested in their community.

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