Seedlings: Weekly Puppet Show

Once a week in the Seedling classroom Klara puts on a puppet show for the children. Puppets are a great way to engage children while teaching social graces and building emotional awareness. Klara uses two puppets, “Whinny” the horse and “Bella” the rabbit. These two characters take care of each other and work through the challenges of their friendship. Asking for a turn, saying please and thank you can be modeled by the puppets.
This past week the puppets modeled the emotions happy and sad. Whinny ran off when Bella asked her to stop and play with her. This made Bella feel sad. Whinny checked on Bella and gave her a carrot, which made Bella happy. Klara showed the emotions happy and sad, but she also modeled how to tell a friend how you are feeling. Acknowledging emotions is so valuable for children. At the end of each puppet show Klara sings the song, “Oh, What A Wonderful Day Today” and the children have a chance to come up to hug the puppets and then go wash their hands for lunch. The children love a puppet show and everyone was thrilled to give hugs to Whinny and Bella.